Ms. Hargraves’ English 12 Honors Class

Discussions, homework, links, announcements, projects, lessons, news

Monday, January 7 January 7, 2008

Filed under: Agenda,Beowulf — hargraves @ 9:20 pm


Today in class we completed an oral reading of the first two episodes in the Beowulf epic.  In the first of these epidodes, Beowulf lays a trap for Grendel; in the second of these episodes, Grendel retreats to his lair.

We also did quite a bit of discussion about the Anglo-Saxon ideals and the characterisitics of an epic hero.  We also talked about oral storytelling techniques and the role of paganisms in the epic.

We began writing “Grendel’s Press Release,” in which each of you will attempt to garner audience sympathy for the villain.  These press releases are due tomorrow, and they should be written in first-person.  For this–and any other short writing assignment–I expect to see a minimum of 200 words.  You will share these orally in front of the class.  There’s a link above that contains more specific directions… Later this week, we will revise our press release drafts to make a more polished piece of writing that I will evaluate according the rubric included in this handout.

As a class, we elected not to do resumes this semester as most of you will be doing them in Success 101.  Anyone who needs extra help on the resume can come see me!  I will gladly do all I can to help you make your resume look great!

We did a little discussion about Senior Projects–some of you are really getting excited about your topics!  I handed back Anglo-Saxon Period quizzes and completed a notebook check. 

Finally, you all reiterated to me the need for a functional holepuncher for the classroom.  Thankfully, Justin agreed to locate one for our class as soon as possible!   


5 Responses to “Monday, January 7”

  1. Justin Says:

    Ms. H-

    I got the hole puncher. I will have it tomorrow! =]

  2. AMELIA B! Says:

    The new blog is on suppose to be on Shakespeare Sketchcast?

  3. Misha Says:

    i really like this class.

  4. hargraves Says:

    I’ve just posted the new blog question–I’ll talk about that today in class.

    I’m glad you like the class, Misha! Welcome. : )

  5. hargraves Says:

    Thanks for getting the holepuncher. You are a lifesaver!

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