Ms. Hargraves’ English 12 Honors Class

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Discussion Question: February 11-17 February 11, 2008

Filed under: Discussion Question — hargraves @ 11:33 am

Can too much ambition be a bad thing?  Explain.

Your response to this discussion question is due by Sunday, February 17.


12 Responses to “Discussion Question: February 11-17”

  1. AMELIA B! Says:

    I believe that too much ambition can be a bad thing because if you set her mind to do something and you know that you have to do, but yet you actually do nothing about it — it hurts you more than anything. I had a dream since I was a child that I wanted to go to Harvard, but things changed, and the older I became the more it seemed to be just a dream rather than reality. I had so much ambition and determination that…that it became a bad thing — like a turn off.

  2. Victoria Williams Says:

    I think that ambition can be a bad thing but it is all in the way people abuse or use it. Ambition is used to drive a person to do better. Although, sometimes people become overpowering and obsessive which can be a bad thing.

  3. danimoonpie Says:

    Too much ambition can only be decided by the people who are judging the person with ambition. How much is too much?? The point where the ambition interchanges from good to evil, is when there is too much ambition.

  4. Michelle Says:

    too much ambition can be harmful because it gets in the way of your focus. you become to busy trying to be better and you forget what you were even trying to complete.

  5. Rainey T Says:

    Too much ambition can be a bad thin because that’s all what you wil be thinking about and you’ll get sidetracked in others things.

  6. misha Says:

    I belive that too much ambition is a bad thing because you only focus on that one goal. You miss out on everything else. “life is what happends while your busy making plans” this is a quote that reminds me of this discussion question.

  7. Kelsey Says:

    I belive that too much ambition can be a bad thing.
    If someone is so determinded to do someting, even if that dangers of doing so is death, they won’t pay any attention to them and do it anyways. So too much ambition can be a deadly thing.

  8. Bianca Says:

    I think that too much ambition can definitely be bad thing. Ambition has two sides to it. There is the good side that allows us to excell in our work and life. This side also gives us the courage to always try our hardest at everything. But there is also a bad side. This side leads to greed and the unhealthy desire for power. This side can destroy us and make us into a person that we are not. Many a person has gotten what they wanted through ambition but the consequences made the prize not even worth it.

  9. Sandra Taylor Says:

    I think that too much ambition can be a bad thing because of what happened to Macbeth. His flaw was that he had too much ambition. Don’t get me wrong, I think that it’s a good thing to be ambitious but just don’t push it too much. You’re life should always be in balance.

  10. D.HiNES Says:

    i think too much ambition is a bad thing; It can allow you to do or say things that are impossible or even suicidal to any work or progress you have made throughout your life.

  11. Alysha D'Arco Says:

    Too much ambition could be a bad thing because if you don’t follow up to what you set yourself up for, the downfall would probably devastate you.

  12. Justin Says:

    This is late, but yeah.

    I think that too much ambition could be a bad thing, because it may lead you to do something that is bad or wrong to reach what you want.

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